23 september 2012 In de media

Speech Johnny Peters

De voorzitter van de Arnhem 1944 Veterans Club sprak de Vitesse-supporters in GelreDome toe. Peters bedankt de Supportersvereniging Vitesse voor de uitnodiging.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Greetings to you from all Arnhem Veterans who are here this evening. And a special  thanks to the owner, the board and manager of this great Football Club. Not forgetting Stef ten Thij, the chairman of your Supporters Club, for inviting us veterans every year in september to watch a football match. Tonight, may we see a good match and may the best team, Vitesse, win.

Thank you and God bless.

Johnny Peters, chairman of the Arnhem 1944 Veterans Club

Supportersvereniging Vitesse / Foto’s SV
